Trademark, trade mark or trade-mark is recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademark used to identify services are usual called services mark. The trademark owner can be individual, business organization or any legal entities. A trademark may be located on package, a label, a voucher or on the product itself. It also being displayed on company building as the corporate identity.
Logo is a graphic mark, emblem or symbol commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and individuals aids and promote instant public recognition. There are 5 design principles of logo to create a proper logo.
The logo with too many complicated elements will distracted and confusing your audience. You want to take all your design inspirations and reduce it down to the basic. an effective logo should ony include features that are down to the basic. For example :
A few second is all to make a nice impression but we need to make sure our logo make a lasting impression as well. Sharp color and unique design will make your logo stand out in a crowd. For example the Twitter logo:
Your logo has to be timeless. Following trends, such as popular fonts and styles, will potentially becomes a burden when the trends peter out. We want our logo to be able stand the test of time. Focus on your brand rather than latest trend. For example Coca Cola:
One of the best gift you can give your logo is the versatility. When designing logo, you must be mindful of the usage. You will be resizing this logo in different surfaces and materials and also pick logo that is effective at any size and the same goes to color. For example FedEx:
An appropriate logo is how it is defined your audience, what are you targeting and does your logo is conventionally attracting your target. For example: